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Skincare Manufacturing

Your Nutraceutical Skincare Manufacturer

SMP stands for Supplement Manufacturing Partners. Our team is dedicated to be your partner in most efficiently manufacturing your growing vitamin business to scale.

Your skincare formula must be blended to ensure even distribution of ingredients in each bottle.

Bottle Filling

Once all ingredients in your formula are blended, they are filled in your bottle of choice. We offer some amazing packaging options to fill your supplement with.

Polishing & Inspection

Each skincare supplement is polished for a clean finished look and triple inspected for any defects


After the supplement is manufactured, post-inspection, we run identity, potency, micro, and heavy metal tests to ensure pharmaceutical grade quality.

Our Capabilities

Custom Nutraceutical Skincare Manufacturing

We have capabilities to manufacture any nutraceutical skincare formula. From sourcing each ingredient in your formula, to post filling inspection; we do it all at the best prices and the fastest lead times. We have the experience to help you formulate a new product for your target audience, or discuss with you how to properly scale your manufacturing. As your partner, it is our job for long-term skincare manufacturing success.

Custom Skincare Supplement Manufacturing

Manufacturing skincare supplements allows for a variety of options. While collagen is a very common skincare supplement, there are plenty more. SMP Nutra is more then capable in manufacturing any nutraceutical skincare supplement formula.

Types Of Skincare Supplements

The skincare world is full of various methods to help your skin. Some supplements can help your skin health, it just depends on the ingredients. Some of the most common skincare supplement ingredients include:

Collagen Manufacturing

One of the most popular skincare supplements over the last year, collagen is known to be helpful for a person’s skin and more.

Manufacturing collagen as a skincare supplement is a great idea. It is effective and can be made to any form of encapsulation. You can learn more about collagen manufacturing here.

Peptides Manufacturing

While peptides is not an exact type of ingredient, it is a chain of amino acids that will aid with protein production.

Peptides are included in many different supplements nowadays. New peptides can be made, as a new chain of amino acids is made, new possibilities are presented.
These peptides can be added to many different supplements. They are not a standalone product, but they can be coupled with a collagen supplement and they can thrive with it. Collagen is not the only supplement that is can be paired with, but it is a pairing that would allow for great synergism.

Vitamin C Manufacturing

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is commonly found in supplements.

Vitamin C being an antioxidant, is a natural beneficial skincare ingredient. Also, vitamin C has a role in synthesizing collagen making it important for a number of reasons. The usage of vitamin C in supplements is vast as it is able added to many different formulas and still be impactful.
Manufacturing vitamin C supplements for your brand is something that we here at SMP Nutra are experts at and we can deliver high-quality end products, in bulk. 

Biotin Manufacturing

Biotin emerged onto the self care scene recently and it has stuck, proving to be a useful supplement.

Biotin is a water-soluble essential vitamin. Biotin has worked its way into many skincare routines because of the benefits it may bring. It is commonly an ingredient in many different types of supplements, but in a skincare supplement, it can be the standalone ingredient to get the most out of the powerful vitamin.

Hyaluronic Acid Manufacturing

Hyaluronic acid is potentially a great ingredient for a skincare supplement.

Hyaluronic acid is an important structural component in bodily tissue. Naturally, it is able to hold and retain water, making it great in benefiting the hydration of the skin. 
Manufacturing a skincare product with hyaluronic acid would allow for a supplement that can bring a positive boost to the skin.

Package and Label Design Options For Skincare Manufacturing

Your skincare supplement can be bottled in a large selection of package options.

You can view all package options here

Our team of nutraceutical specialized graphic designers are ready to make your label look incredible and comply with all required FDA label regulations.

In fact, working with a quality manufacturer makes creating your own line of skincare products a simple process. We explore the steps involved in creating a marketable product.

Check Out Our Private Label Skincare Products

Make sure to check out our stock white label skincare products. There, you can see what we believe is some of the best formulas that are on a level of their own. They possibly offer a wide variety of vitamins and nutrients that may be very beneficial. We also offer other stock products and they are just as important, they can be viewed here.

  • Complexion Complex Gummies 101324
  • HSN SF Gumdrop Gummies
  • Collagen Gummies 200mg with Vitamin C Biotin 100770
  • Irish Sea Moss 100816
  • Beauty Superfruits Heart Gummies 100548
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